01904 608499
01904 608499
Have you ever thought about publishing your own book but have had problems going through a mainstream publisher, or not wanted to give your hard earned royalties to anyone else?
Today, self publishing is easier, more practical and more affordable than ever before, in fact, anyone can do it; all that’s needed is a book, the desire to get it published and the determination to follow it up.
YPS printing services can help you through the entire process of self-publishing, removing any obstacles (and because we’ve been in this business since 2010, we know exactly what they might be), so that you can gain better access to success.
You have complete control over your title(s), own copyright and can reap the royalties to each, deciding on when and where it is published, and exactly what direction you would like it to go in.
We can help to advise and provide all the information you need to begin in self publishing to make the entire process less daunting, more exciting, and to ensure that you get what you deserve from your hard work.
Self Publishing